Possible risks


In some cases, it is not possible to remove all of the excess skin, as there is a risk that you will not be able to close your eyelids properly.

Lower eyelid traction

Sometimes the lower eyelid has a tendency to hang downwards slightly. This is because the eyelid is a bit too slack. To solve this problem, the eyelid can also be fixed laterally. This is done under local anaesthetic: see text 'Bags under the lower eyelid and slack lower eyelids'.


Scars are not only caused by surgical technique; they are also caused by the way in which the skin reacts to the operation. Some people are naturally more prone to scars. To help any scars heal, you are advised not to expose them to the sun. Smoking also prevents the eyelid from healing as well as it otherwise would.

Swelling of the eyelids and loss of skin sensitivity

Blepharoplasty leads to a temporary deterioration in lymphatic circulation to the eyelids, which causes more swelling at first. Some nerve endings are cut during the operation, which can lead to hypersensitivity in the eye area. The nerves repair themselves within a few months.


Small yellow cysts may form where the sutures are placed. In most cases, these are reabsorbed after a few months.

Skin irritation caused by drying

Swelling of the eyelid can sometimes mean that patients cannot shut their eyes properly for a time. This can lead to dry eye syndrome. This problem can be treated using artificial tears.

Bulging eye caused by bleeding

In rare cases, postoperative bleeding may cause tissues to be put under pressure. This is an extremely serious complication and can even lead to blindness. If you experience this problem, it is essential that you contact your doctor immediately.

More about lower eyelid surgery

Preparing for an operation
Possible risks

If you want more information, or would like to make an appointment:
Contact us or call 0032 (0)2 741 69 99