Functional eyelid surgery

Ptosis or correction of a drooping eyelid

Normally the eyelid moves up and down because of the contraction of a muscle in the eyelid. This muscle is attached just above the eyelashes to the tarsus, a sort of cartilage plate.

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Ectropion causes the lower eyelid to droop away from the eye. This leaves the inner surface of the eye visible and exposed. It then becomes chronically irritated.

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Entropion causes the eyelid to turn or roll inwards. It then rubs against the eyeball and causes irritation. It usually affects the lower eyelid.

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Dermatochalasis (excess eyelid skin) is usually caused by skin ageing: the fibres in the skin lose their elasticity and the skin becomes slacker.

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Eyelid biopsy

When you have a biopsy done, a small piece of tissue is removed and sent away to be examined under a microscope.

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